8 indoor plants that are low maintenance for and Non-toxic to cats and dogs.

Keeping your pets safe from toxic plants is an important thing to do. However, how would you know what plants also look really beautiful and are non toxic? Luckily for you, I took the time out of my day to come up with a quick list. These 8 plants, are Non-toxic to dogs/cats, they look amazing, and a bonus… They are relatively easy to care for.

1.Phalaenopsis orchid:

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com

AKA the moth orchid. This is a wonderful beautiful option to have in your home, not only because it is safe for your pets, it is also very beautiful.. You won’t have to worry about your small fur friend getting sick because of it. However that might not stop your pet from being mean to the plant. I must suggest putting the plant in an area where your pet can’t knock it over, or chew on it damaging the plant.

2. Blushing bromeliad:

I really like this plant, it is a beautiful plant that belongs to the pineapple family, loves bright light and humidity. When it is finished blooming you can repot the pups (little starters that grow from the bottom of the mother plant) if you wish to propagate more of these beautiful plants. Blushing bromeliads usually produces more than 1 pup, so if you enjoy the plant you can easily have multiples. These plants can range in size greatly, but can be 2 inches – 1 foot tall and up to two feet wide.

3. Air plants (Tillandsia)

Photo by Paul Cuoco on Unsplash

Air plants or Tillandsia plants can be fun, as they don’t need to be rooted to anything. You can glue them to basically whatever you want that you think looks appealing. They are simple, cheap and easy to take care of. I think this would be a good first plant for a child, because of the above reasons, and they are really hard to kill. You do want to make sure that your pet won’t try to eat them though because they could be a choking hazard. You can see air plants in the store, like Lowes, or even Target. You don’t water your air plant like a normal plant, you dip it in some water to satisfy its thirst.

4. Burro’s Tail AKA Donkey’s tail AKA Sedum Morganianum

Burro’s tail is another unique plant that I love the look of. But be careful, if you move it too much the little leaves will fall off with almost no warning. The plant looks beautiful once it starts draping over the pot it sits in. From my experience are relatively easy to take care of, not requiring much, so they are a pretty decent option for newer plant owners as well. Just keep in mind to make sure your pet can’t knock it around though because it will lose some of the little leaves. I don’t think it losing some of the leaves will hurt it much. Mine has always recovered.

5. Spider plant:

This plant won’t grow legs and crawl away we promise. They look beautiful hanging, or on the ground, or perhaps an end table. Spider plants are also incredibly easy and forgiving plant. Being able to take an array of neglect. However if you want them to really like living with you, they like well draining soil first and foremost, as well as bright non directed light. If you have a skylight, or perhaps a frosted window this may be a nice option to hang one somewhere as they look wonderful hanging in a macramé holder. The spider plant won’t hurt your wonderful pet, however it may steal some attention away from them, and could get an upset stomach.

6. Bamboo (Bambusoidaea)

Photo by Elton Sipp on Unsplash

You cant really go wrong with bamboo… It is so easy to grow, it lasts forever as well as looks fantastic on a shelf, table or wherever your heart desires. Bamboo is non-toxic to dogs, cats, and even horses as far as the ASPCA is concerned. Something interesting about bamboo is how strong and resilient it is. In fact bamboo is 2-3 times stronger than timber. It’s tensile strength is also stronger than steel. Allow this plant to drain, as well as having plenty of light. Clean the container here and there to prevent unwanted algae.

7. Boston Fern

“Boston Fern” by bfishadow is licensed under CC BY 2.0

I love ferns, they just look good. Whether its in a corner, or hanging, I love them. Ferns are relatively easy to care for, just make sure the soil is damp. They love humidity, they also like a cool place with indirect light. Think of a forest floor, not too much sun, where it’s nice, cool, and damp. If the fern turns a bit yellowish, it is a good sign to increase the humidity near your plant. Another reason that I like ferns so much is because they generally have pretty decent air cleansing qualities.

The Boston fern is no danger to your cat or dog. However from my experience, my cat loves to nibble on it.

8. Basil:

I decided to add basil to the list because they are generally nice to have around the house. Especially to have some in the kitchen when you forgot to buy some from the store. They aren’t hard to grow, but sometimes they can be picky, luckily they aren’t an arm and a leg to acquire if something goes wrong. The basil plant will also be of no harm to your dog or cat.

If you suspect your pet has ingested a plant that is toxic, please call a local vet. Or if you aren’t sure, you can call the ASPCA hotline 24/7 by calling (888) 426-4435. As per their website there is a $75 fee. You can also see lists of toxic and non toxic plants on their website.


The citations and places I sourced some of my information is linked below:

Mizuno, H., Nell, Keshav, Adrienne, Denise, Johnny, . . . Common Houseplants: Details on Indoor Plants that are Low-Maintenance says:. (2020, December 02). Bromeliad care: How to grow this beauty indoors. Retrieved February 05, 2021, from https://www.joyusgarden.com/bromeliad-care/

Neoregelia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 05, 2021, from https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/neoregelia/#:~:text=They%20are%20compact%20plants%20from,when%20getting%20ready%20to%20bloom.

And thank you to the ASPCA

If any of the information that I wrote is inaccurate, please let me know.

Thank you for reading!

One thought on “8 indoor plants that are low maintenance for and Non-toxic to cats and dogs.

  1. Shannon February 5, 2021 / 8:46 pm

    Great tips for pet lovers and plant lovers! Who knew there were so many options to have the best of both wolds !

    Liked by 1 person

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