The $7 beauty of a Plant.

Well, I made the decision last night. I decided to get back into the car, go down to Lowes again. Find the exact Dumb Cane, carry it around for another 10 minutes while I decide and look at other things until I decided to buy it for a whopping total for $7.

I think I got it for a steal, this thing has some broken leaves, sure. But it has new growth, as well as a couple of really nice looking bigger leaves. I don’t know if I will propagate the smaller ones yet. I have time to decide. As of now my dumb cane sits in the corner of my office, with shaded light from my window.

I am kind of nervous to cut the bad foliage off of the plant. This is because apparently dumb cane if it touches your skin can be a real irritant. I know I will be fine, but I really don’t want to get it on my skin on accident.

Anyways, while I was deciding on whether or not I wanted to take the $7 plunge, I was looking at the fruit/vegetable area that they had just brought in. There was a thing called a “hardy kiwi” which I have never heard of.

But apparently these hardy kiwis are a vine type of kiwi, which the fruits are from a size of a blueberry to a small tomato. I think I will have to go back and get one when the time of planting is. I think the guideline said around May. I need to double check. But I guess the flavor is favored over the regular kiwi fruit. So I am excited to give it a shot.

Perhaps that will be in part of one of the next updates, but until then

Thank you for reading,

-Plant Dummy

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