All of The Posts

5 Tips to Keep your Succulents Alive

Succulents are a popular choice for indoor plants because they are easy to care for and require minimal maintenance. These hardy plants are native to arid climates, so they are well-suited to life indoors. With proper care, succulents can thrive and provide a beautiful addition to your home. Here are some tips for caring for…

How to increase Humidity for indoor plants

Does your plant look sad? Is it wilting, maybe looking slightly crusty on the leaves? Your plant may be suffering from what we would like to call “Lack of humidity” Don’t let this alarm you. There is no need to call a doctor, or even a therapist. Low humidity can be a simple fix, that…

The Last Month Update

This last month has been rough, especially with school. I turned out to be a lot busier than what I was expecting. I wish I had been able to write more but I haven’t been able to put in the time to do proper research. I wasn’t wanting to put out a bad article. I…

The $7 beauty of a Plant.

Well, I made the decision last night. I decided to get back into the car, go down to Lowes again. Find the exact Dumb Cane, carry it around for another 10 minutes while I decide and look at other things until I decided to buy it for a whopping total for $7. I think I…

How to take care of a snake plant

You know how you keep seeing snake plants also known as Sansevieria everywhere now a days? It’s impressive how popular the snake plant in particular has gotten. Let me be the first to tell you, there is a reason for this. A lot of it has to do with the pandemic. However I personally think…

How to get your beautiful orchid to bloom more often.

You know how frustrating it is when you cant seem to get your orchid to bloom? Or when you think that you are not really sure what you are doing wrong? I have been there, felt that way many of times. It’s not fun, so I wanted to tell you you what works for me.…

Building a Community

I wanted to release something else about plants before I released this one. However I burned my hand over the weekend, and had this already typed, so I figured I would release this while I heal because I can’t type very well at the moment. I hope this is a good enough read from me…

Sometimes you just don’t know

Obviously I am very new to this. But sometimes it surprises me what posts get views and what don’t. Or what posts get likes and what don’t. You may think you wrote the best yet, but it isn’t received as well as one that just came super easy to you. It’s fun to try to…

Who is Plant Dummy?

This may be a start to a weekly post for my life. I am not sure how often or if people will be interested. This will most likely be a me thing, for me.