Private Policy / Disclosures

Affiliate link Disclosure

*Disclosure: If I put affiliate links on my pages, it is because I like the product, or the idea of the product. Affiliate links don’t cost you anything but I might get a small commission on them. I really don’t want to make my page just about affiliates, I want to focus on content. So I really try to add things that I believe would be beneficial and not a bad product.

Another Disclosure – my research/email list

I am not a genius, nor claim to be one. I am trying to do my best researching things that have good references or things that I already know. If I get something wrong I will try to fix it and address it. I do not want to mislead anyone. I try to make it very clear that if I am wrong about something please tell me.

If you sign up for my email list, I am not selling it in any way. If you want off of the email list, I will get rid of it on my MailChimp where it would be stored.