How to take care of a snake plant

You know how you keep seeing snake plants also known as Sansevieria everywhere now a days? It’s impressive how popular the snake plant in particular has gotten. Let me be the first to tell you, there is a reason for this.

A lot of it has to do with the pandemic. However I personally think that the main reason would because of how easy and forgiving they are to grow. Plus you can buy them in a lot of different places. The snake plant that I have at my house I don’t think that I really have done anything to it in a long time. Which reminds me that I have a little guy to take out of the small planter it’s in and propagate it.

The part that is lighter green, and a bit shorter is about a two months of new growth.

Pot for the snake plant

Make sure that you have a pot that allows for easy draining. You want to avoid root rot, and you can always water more if needed. It’s hard to reverse root rot because of standing water. Unglazed terracotta likes to suck moisture a bit more than glazed.

A lot of people recommend unglazed terracotta because it can help take excess water out of the soil. That combined with a drain hole is most likely going to be safe with the proper soil as well.

Click to buy this Greenaholics Terracotta Pot on Amazon

I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Temperature range for snake plants

The typical temperature range for a snake plant is nice because it is a normal temperature range for most peoples homes. At around 60-80 degrees (F) you will see your snake plant happy.

Soil for the snake plant

One thing that was surprising to me was that the snake plant is a succulent. For fertilizing, I would recommend following the instructions per whatever brand you choose. There will be slight variations that work for one, and maybe not for the other.

This means that you can use the succulent and cactus soil blends. This is the The Succulent Cult store’s mix. When I have to change soils in the upcoming months with my snake plant I most likely will use this one. They have great reviews and a pretty decent price.

Click here to buy The Succulent Cult Store’s Organic Succulent & Cactus Soil Mix on Amazon

I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Light for the snake plant

You may be asking what kind of light is best for my snake plant. Usually the snake plant prefers lower levels of shaded light. They can handle higher light levels though and be fine. We keep ours in the kitchen where there are plenty of shaded windows, and it has been very happy there.

Snake Plant – Plant Dummy

Watering a snake plant

Underwatering is going to hurt the snake plant compared to over watering. Overwatering is also going to be a harder issue to solve than underwatering.

You will want to have the snake plants soil be almost dried out. You can stick a portion of your finger into the soil to check up to a couple inches at most. If the soil feels moist, it may be too soon. The amount of time between watering will also be determined on the temperature.

Issues for snake plants

Root rot I believe would be one of the most common issues one would face when it comes to the plant. Next up, would be the potential after bringing it home especially is pests. Since there are a lot of places for the little pests to hide, you should keep your eye out. And getting too cold can be another issue for your plant once it goes a bit under 55 degrees.

Toxicity Note: Please keep your snake plant out of the reach of your pets. They can cause your pet to feel sick.

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If I missed anything or got something wrong please let me know.

Thank you again for reading,

-Plant Dummy